How Many States In Mexico

States In Mexico: How Many States In Mexico?

How Many States In Mexico? This is home to 32 entities that comprise its federal system 31 states in Mexico and one capital city. Each state offers a unique blend of traditions, gastronomy, and natural wonders that reflect the local heritage. 

Whether you’re an intrepid traveler planning your next getaway or simply curious about how this vibrant country is organized geographically, we delve into the fascinating world of Mexico’s states.

How Many States In Mexico?

Mexico is composed of 32 federal entities, which includes 31 states and one capital city, Mexico City. Each state boasts its own unique culture, history, and landscapes that contribute to the rich tapestry of national identity. From the arid deserts of Baja California to the tropical jungles of Chiapas, every region offers diverse experiences waiting to be explored.

While many tourist hotspots like Cancun and Guadalajara capture global attention, lesser-known states such as Tlaxcala or Zacatecas offer hidden gems filled with vibrant traditions and local cuisine. For those who venture beyond the typical tourist paths, these destinations reveal stories etched in time.

States in Mexico Map

You travel from state to state on a map of Mexico marked by their distinct colors. The myriad cultural influences become evident, from Mayan ruins in Yucatán to the Spanish colonial architecture in Puebla. The beauty of this map lies not just in geographical borders but in the interwoven narratives waiting to be told by every corner you explore.

States in Mexico Map

Exploring the states in Mexico is like delving into a vibrant tapestry woven with rich history, diverse cultures, and breathtaking landscapes. Each of the 32 states offers a unique story, revealing its identity through culinary traditions, colorful festivals, and indigenous heritage. 

List of States in Mexico

Mexico is a tapestry of vibrant cultures, rich histories, and diverse landscapes, all encapsulated within its 32 states.This diverse range not only enhances Mexico’s appeal as a travel destination but also fosters an understanding of regional identities shaped by geography, cuisine, and heritage. 

As one delves deeper into each state’s offerings from Baja California’s wine country to Puebla’s charming colonial architecture it’s clear that there is so much more than meets the eye in this dynamic nation.

  • Aguascalientes
  • Baja California
  • Baja California Sur
  • Campeche
  • Chiapas
  • Chihuahua
  • Coahuila
  • Colima
  • Durango
  • Guanajuato
  • Guerrero
  • Hidalgo
  • Jalisco
  • Mexico
  • Michoacan
  • Morelos
  • Nayarit
  • Nuevo Leon
  • Oaxaca
  • Puebla
  • Queretaro
  • Quintana Roo
  • San Luis Potosi
  • Sinaloa
  • Sonora
  • Tabasco
  • Tamaulipas
  • Tlaxcala
  • Veracruz
  • Yucatan
  • Zacatecas

What are the Safest States in Mexico 2024?

When considering travel safety in Mexico, some states stand out as islands of tranquility amidst the broader narrative. Mexico boasts eight states that are considered the safest for traveler:

  • Yucatán
  • Chiapas
  • Baja California Sur
  • San Luis Potosi
  • Guanajuato
  • Queretaro
  • Puebla
  • Aguascalientes

What are the Most Dangerous States in Mexico 2024?

In 2024, the landscape of danger in Mexico remains starkly influenced by drug cartels and organized crime, with states like Guanajuato and Michoacán continuing to top the lists. Guanajuato has become a battleground due to its strategic location, which facilitates drug trafficking routes. 

The violent clashes between rival gangs not only threaten public safety but also disrupt local economies and tarnish the tourist appeal of once-thriving regions. Michoacán’s rich agricultural heritage has sadly been overshadowed by conflicts for control over lucrative avocado farms, illustrating how violence can intertwine with everyday livelihoods.

Travelers contemplate their journeys across Mexico’s diverse landscapes in 2024, they must navigate these complexities recognizing both the perilous reality in certain regions and the hopeful narratives emerging from those determined to reclaim their neighborhoods from the grips of crime.

List of 13 Most Dangerous Cities in Mexico:

  1. Tijuana
  2. Acapulco
  3. Ciudad Victoria
  4. Ciudad Juárez
  5. Irapuato
  6. Cancun
  7. Culiacán
  8. Uruapan
  9. Ciudad Obregón
  10. Coatzacoalcos
  11. Baja California
  12. Michoacán
  13. Guanajuato

What are the Richest States in Mexico 2024?

In 2024, the richest states in Mexico are defined not just by their GDP but also by unique economic innovations and resource abundance. 

Richest States in Mexico
  • Baja California leads the charge, boasting a thriving border economy that capitalizes on trade with the United States. The state’s robust manufacturing sector, particularly in electronics and medical devices, along with its picturesque coastal tourism, propels it into the upper echelon of wealth.
  • Nuevo Leon follows closely behind, famous for its industrial might centered around Monterrey. This state has transformed into a hub for national and international corporations thanks to a strategic focus on technology and business-friendly policies. 
  • Coahuila reaps significant benefits from its mineral wealth, particularly coal and is investing heavily in renewable energy to balance its traditional sectors with sustainable growth.
  • Sonora‘s agricultural output cannot be overlooked either, it is one of Mexico’s leading producers of crops like grapes and vegetables for export. 
  • Baja California Sur rounds out this elite group with an economy thriving on tourism and real estate development in stunning locales such as Los Cabos.

What are the Biggest States in Mexico?

When exploring the vastness of Mexico, it’s fascinating to consider how its largest states reveal more than just geographical size, they embody rich cultural tapestries and diverse ecosystems. For instance, Chihuahua, the biggest state in terms of land area, boasts stunning landscapes that range from arid deserts to lush forests.

States like Sonora and Durango offer a contrast between sprawling plains and mountainous regions, emphasizing Mexico’s varied climate zones. Sonora is known for its unique culinary offerings such as carne asada tacos while sharing a border with Arizona that enriches its cultural exchanges.

List of Mexican states by area:

RankStateland (km2)land (sq mi)% of total
9Baja California Sur73,909.428,536.63.77%
12Baja California71,450.027,587.03.64%
13Nuevo León64,156.224,770.83.27%
15San Luis Potosí61,138.023,605.53.12%
19Quintana Roo44,705.217,260.82.28%
32Ciudad de México1,494.3577.00.08%
Biggest States in Mexico


How Many States In Mexico? This comprises 32 states, each with its own unique culture, geography, and history that contribute to the country’s rich tapestry. From the bustling urban centers of Mexico City and Guadalajara to the tranquil beaches of Quintana Roo and Baja California, these states offer diverse experiences for both residents and visitors alike. 

Understanding the political and administrative divisions helps to appreciate the complexity of Mexico’s governance and regional identities. Whether you’re planning a trip or simply looking to expand your knowledge about this vibrant nation, exploring its states can reveal fascinating insights into its people and traditions.


Is Chihuahua Mexico Safe?

Chihuahua, Mexico, like many cities around the world, has areas that are safe for tourists and others that may pose risks due to crime. While it is true that some regions in Chihuahua have experienced issues with violence and organized crime, particularly related to drug trafficking, this does not mean the entire city is unsafe.

Why is it Called Baja California?

Baja California, the peninsular region that remains part of Mexico, derives its name from the Spanish term Baja California, which translates to Lower California.

Where to Stay in Oaxaca?

The safest areas to be in Oaxaca include Centro, Santo Domingo, Barrio de Xochimilco, Barrio de la Noria, Barrio de Jalatlaco and Reforma.

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